Friday, September 4, 2009

+ Coming Together

Addie standing in the "new sink" from Heritage Salvage in Petaluma. We have found quite a lot of our magical materials there.
Today the new paint brushes and promo postcards arrived. Who doesn't love opening boxes of art supplies? Then I spent my lunch mixing the luscious colors for the new paint pots. Tonight, steve is sanding the sink's counter and hanging the painting walls. It's a beautiful thing.
In training news, I had a great trail run with Anne Marie today. I just love running up and down mountains. It's sick. But there is a lot to learn about running "The Sport" as my coach calls it. Today, when we were NOT running the trail, she was coaching me on quick steps and posture (shoulders back, chest up, relaxed face.) It felt strange - like being in marching band on steroids - but everything else she has taught me has worked out great. Tomorrow I go back to the treadmill.
New Art Goal: one image a day.

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