Friday, August 14, 2009

+ Taking her Own Sweet Time

She just doesn't like to rush herself. She needs to take her time, check things out, get used to the scene. I laugh about it, but truthfully, I am the same way. We were just in Tahoe for the week. All the other kids were running around on the sand, on the grass, jumping or crawling into the Lake or kiddie pool....and then there is addie. She didn't want to touch the sand, nor get in the water. She didn't even want to take her clothes off and put her swimmy diaper on. And yet, as the days went by, she warmed up to the activities.
She did touch the sand, she got into her swimmy diaper and she did enter the kiddie pool. Slowly, slowly. This girls takes her time and won't be rushed. AND, she gets there.
Lately, I have had to practice trust and patience in the area of my work. I have been working really hard on setting up the structure, made lots of investment, but have had little opportunity for return. My gut says "stay with it" but I slip into my fear that it will never work out. Watching Addie grow and learn, I am reminded of the Mystery. I am going to leave more room for it, starting today!