Monday, September 1, 2008

New Plan!!

September: a Morning Meditation & an Evening Prayer every day
Intention: Get focused, stay focused.
Okay, today is the first day of my new plan and it's already after noon! Not even one little meditative moment. Steve took the baby this morning around 10:00 AM so I could have 2 hours to myself (yeah!) His parting words were "don't spend the whole time on the computer"...and of course I responded, "don't tell me what to do" ...even though he is TOTALLY RIGHT. He doesn't tell me what to do often, but when he does he is usually right on target. I often feel gross if I spend a big chunk of time on the computer. (That's why I gave up webDesign as my living!) Well, he was right again! I spent the whole time on the computer working on a new website for Build Altars. He just called and said he'd be an hour late. OH JOY!!! So, I jumped back on the computer to write this!!! What a dork I am.
Okay back to the business of being a mom and an artist. I am now going to SHOWER and then meditate. I might even take a walk before my people arrive home! This afternoon I am making a labor day apple pie. Mommy-mind can only handle so much it seems.
PS! My most honored friend Francesca gave me some wonderful echino fabric by Etsuko Fuyura!! THANK YOU, what a great present! 

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Love the new plan! I admire how hard you work to stay focused and to live your passionate life, Hebbe. And sweet fabric!